What is Innovative and Hot Right Now?

Innovation Company Hot Award icon.What is hot right now? We wanted to create a list of the latest cool, innovative tools, web apps, services, and products that we feel are innovative enough to receive recognition.

We started this list in Dec 2018, and we are always looking to add to the list, so if you have something that you feel is innovative, then please send it to us for review.

Award Added Thing Description Screenshot
Innovation Company 12/2018 Contolo An insanely good conversational form builder to use on your website. Extremely easy to use. Contolo
Innovation Company 12/2018 Motion Create amazing geometric animations from images. Motion
Innovation Company 12/2018 Pete's Cheap Trains A very interesting thing for UK commuters, like ourselves. Train fares in the UK are way too high, so this could be a really useful service. remove.bg
Innovation Company 12/2018 remove.bg An amazing tool that automatically removes the background from any image with humans in it. The future is here! remove.bg
Innovation Company 12/2018 Scrola Create scrolling screenshots with ease - a very nice way to show off web designs. remove.bg

If you feature on this list, and you wish to add our award icon to your page, then please use the code below.

<a href="https://innovationcompany.co.uk/whats-hot"><img src="https://innovationcompany.co.uk/content/innovation-hot.png" alt="Innovation Company Hot Award icon."></a>

Let's talk

We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.

We're an innovating management consultancy enabling SMEs to grow fast using audacity and impact.

Our consulting includes coaching salespeople, sales outreach, tactical marketing campaigns, business growth strategy, and reducing risk.

Innovation Company
Suite 5A, Maclaren House, Lancastrian Office Centre, Talbot Rd
Manchester, Greater Manchester M32 0FP
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