Mission Statement: We help businesses to become truly relevant in their industry by guiding them to innovate in the area of sales, marketing, and operations.
Our Story: (by the boss) Over the past 10-15 years, I (James Welch), have been helping businesses to perform to much higher standards. First in the discipline of online performance of company websites and internet presences, then to helping businesses create strategies to tackle sales and marketing challenges. This grew further into helping businesses perform operationally, too.
Along the way, I've met many characters when delivering solutions, whether those solutions were through software or consultancy. Some characters were great, some not so great. On that journey, I've met Zahed, Masyab and Ronnie, who with myself, form the base of the company at present.
Let's start an innovation consultancy! - James Welch, Innovation Company
Manchester, UK - with a bee!
Starting out in summer 2018, Innovation Company, based in Manchester, UK, (but with staff in Chittagong, Bangladesh, too) is now a bunch of people with innovative approaches to business.
Disciplined, yet creative approaches to marketing, sales and operations, our team is adept at successfully helping businesses to improve and grow - fast - by improving productivity, output, sales channels and customer retention.
The 'aha' moment: In meeting and working with many business owners, I saw similar issues over and over, culminating in creating Innovation Company to help businesses not to merely fix problems, but to allow the adoption of innovative behaviours, and metronomic behaviours, helping companies to scale in many ways.
An awful lot of time is spent by experts and coaches on explaining how to fix business issues, but much less information or work is done on helping businesses to adopt innovative behaviours, allowing them to be able to scale, so that's what we do.
Understanding that innovative behaviours were lacking in the vast majority of businesses formed the bedrock of my decision to create the company.
James, Zahed, and Masyab have been pivotal for the recent growth in the company. They are so innovative in their thinking and produce wonderful follow-ups to discussions that we have. - Ross Green, Embryo Digital.
James Welch is the main innovation consultant that drives Innovation Company along.
His areas of expertise are in sales, marketing, innovation, and collaboration.
He has brought success to every company he has worked for, not through extensive product knowledge, or a database of customers he can bring on board, but through getting organisations to reconnect with their customers and to be much more suitable for new customers.
Zahed Kamal is lead developer at Innovation Company and has written our proprietary software such as HiveMind, TimeTrain, and Croissant as well as creating various innovation software for the company to use with clients.
Zahed's key skill set is understanding client requirements from the off and is able to produce excellent, business-winning software.
Masyab Sobhan is our creative genius. The inspiration for all our imagery and how we present ourselves to the world.
His background in image creation, art direction, and animation helps us to present both ourselves and our clients in ways to stimulate the mind.
Ronnie Cane is the social media guru of Innovation Company.
Ronnie is an innovative and creative visionary that is always ahead of the trend in the online world to ensure we stay relevant.
Bromley is the dog that started it all off, but now takes a back seat.
Bella is Bromley's understudy and barely moves a muscle unless she has to.
June 2018 - James decides to create Innovation Company. It was that or working for the Belgian post office. This is more fun.
July 2018 - We showcase HiveMind to an unsuspecting world...most people don't get it...yet.
July 2018 - Our first client (we can now eat!)
August 2018 - Masyab and Zahed jump on board the innovation train!
October 2018 - TimeTrain, our micro-learning platform is released.
We help SMEs to become much more innovative by helping to introduce innovative behaviours and innovationism across the workforce.
We help clients to decide which fork in the road to take on their journey, using experience, and innovation principles built on our HiveMind framework.
We introduce 'overboarding' - our method of adding value across sales and marketing channels, building trust with prospects and customers way before they buy.
We help the management layer to take control of their staff with the introduction of practices and procedures that create empowered staff boundaries, whilst keeping management firmly in control.
We create software that helps companies to innovate, increase productivity, add value to marketing and sales channels, and train staff.
We help our clients to understand the enormous power of collaborating correctly with staff, suppliers, partners, and clients.
Who do we serve?: We work with SME directors and with the heads of innovation at larger companies. We have great experience working with digital agencies, tech companies, companies with SaaS products, recruitment agencies, companies with a technical edge, but our favourite types of company to work with are in fields that we are yet to explore.
Our values: We like to add much greater value than we receive in payment. This, we believe, is the way to build a strong, solid platform for a business. We have never sold, or will ever 'sell' our services. Instead, we front-load solutions and value, so that potential clients make their own decision to work with Innovation Company. It simply wouldn't work otherwise. Also, if we believe that we have not given enough value in working with a client, then we request no payment.
Why the metronome?: We help business leaders to ensure that metronomic business procedures operate within their companies, ensuring that growth happens day in, day out, despite what fires are fought by various departments and employees.
These are the people that have inspired us in business and our careers.
Founder of Ogilvy & Mather, and a godfather of marketing.
Genius of sales questioning techniques and the creator of 'Buying Facilitation'.
Author of the greatest business book of all time, 'Release Your Brakes'.
Creator of 'SPIN Selling', which is still the leading study of sales meetings and questions.
Singer-songwriter, actor, but we love her for her business prowess.
Perhaps the greatest networker in the world - and a true gent.
Ogilvy's American counterpart who did it with a little more brashness.
James and his team have proved invaluable to our business, helping us to attack markets and to become much more nimble than we were previously. Our message is much more understandable, and our offering that much more exciting because of Innovation Company. - Simon Hunt, Close.
Our innovation consultancy services are built around our innovation framework platform, HiveMind. This tabletop and web-based solution helps teams make excellent business decisions at much faster pace, which is crucial for today's fast-paced world, where being ahead of the competition is increasingly important.
Each client of Innovation Company is able to use the HiveMind platform as part of ongoing consultancy.
When it comes to software, we are very lucky to have found the amazing notion app, which practically runs our business and allows us all to keep on the same page with everything that we do. We love a bit of Google Drive (especially docs and sheets). We use Chrome and Firefox for browsing, and paint.net and photoshop for image editing. We sometimes play with Ahrefs and SerpStat, too.
Our mission and goal is to continue working with clients that we love, helping them to further successes. Boring, eh? We don't think so. Other than improving businesses through our consultancy and software platforms, we love to learn more about the business world around us. Want to join as a client or employee?
We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.
Innovation Company is an innovating consulting firm that assists growing companies.
We operate in automotive, health, marketing, hospitality, and tech.