TU/e innovation Space operates as a student community that facilitates and supports interdisciplinary challenge-based education, engineering design, and entrepreneurship. It is a place where students learn to deal with complex societal and industrial challenges and become ‘engineers of the future’. At TU/e innovation Space, students develop innovative projects together with researchers, businesses and other stakeholders. Furthermore, it provides a space where lecturers, who develop and offer hands-on courses, are supported to innovate education.
History lesson To explain the origins of these programs, Weeda takes a step back in time: “When Philips pulled the plug from the Centre for Manufacturing Technology (CFT, Applied Technologies) in 2010, the desire soon grew to develop this existing knowledge into a kind of universal language for the entire supply chain.”
A key question for business owners is how to ensure continued innovation and growth at a time of increased regulation of digital platforms.
China’s ambition to become a leader in innovation may be hampered by the US trade war, with concerns that fewer patents for original inventions may be filed in China as subsidies and other incentives dry up amid slowing economic growth.
One of the developers of the world's first bio-brick, which uses human urine as one of the binding components, showed off one of their bricks in the lab at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Cape Town.
Next time you’re by a lake or a harbour, pay attention to the marine flora: you might encounter an autonomous marine vehicle passing for a lilypad.
A key part of a leader’s job is to keep their team curious and innovative. According to an IBM report, some of the key barriers to innovation are inadequate funding, risk avoidance, time commitments and incorrect methods of measurement. Leaders were asked to look at how they were measuring success, if the innovation was worth the time of those involved, how effective their ways of measuring risks, benefits and non-innovation were, how far they could get without money and how much was needed to succeed.
Having been a keen history student, I like to think I understand the importance of looking at the past as a guide to how we should move forward.
We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.
We are an innovationism Manchester-based management consultancy specialising in helping business growth with passion and hard work.