Our curated choice of pieces concerning innovation in December.
Send articles on groundbreakers to us by contacting us. We'll like to see stuff on products, HR, and property. If it's on an innovator and collaborative or unconventional, please send it to us.
You maybe would find business metronome behaviours suitable.
Discover our innovation consultancy services or how to lead innovation.
Organisations covered: Hikvision, Allergan, Procter & Gamble and Salesforce.com.
We discover great innovative ideas from portals like youtube.com, depts.washington.edu, lpsp.org, blog.dellemc.com, energy.gov, ibm.com, levistrauss.com, entrepreneur.com, msdn.microsoft.com, and blogs.worldbank.org.
We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.
Innovation Company is an innovational north west-based management consultancy that helps company growth with adventure and impact.
We work with retail, healthcare, charity, sports, travel, and technology.