Our selection of pieces about innovation for March.
Highlights are from publications such as Business Today and Bloomberg.
Send articles on innovators by emailing. We like blogs about recruitment, health, and sustainability. If your news item is about innovation, or about experimentation or at the forefront, get in touch.
Learn about IC's innovative consultancy or how to lead innovation.
Firms written about: Maruti Suzuki India, Cielo, Reckitt Benckiser Group, Dassault Systemes and Workday.
We get interesting thoughts within portals like blog.dell.com, strategy-business.com, abc.net.au, gamesindustry.biz, asymco.com, industryweek.com, federalnewsradio.com, and prweb.com.
We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.
We are an innovationist Manchester-based management consultancy specialising in helping business growth with passion and hard work.