Innovation Stories in January 2016

Here's a hand-picked list of items about innovation for the month of January.

Stories include articles from online sites like Entrepreneur magazine and Wired. Find out Innovation Company's innovation consultants or innovative leaders.

Send over posts about disruptors by emailing. We'll accept stories on things like companies, cloud computing, robots, and data as well. If the piece is on innovation and/or groundbreaking or exciting, get in contact. Perhaps you could find metronomic activity behaviours of interest.

These blogs contain stories regarding Shiseido, Waste Connections, PepsiCo and Naver. We find innovative ideas from portals like,,,,,, and

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We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.

We are an innovationism consulting firm specialising in facilitating businesses to innovate.

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