Our choice of stories on innovation in March.
Some are from publications such as Entrepreneur magazine and Success. Discover Innovation Company's innovation consultants and leadership and innovation.
Send over pieces on fresh thinkers to us by contacting us. We like to see pieces on subjects like recruitment, medical, branding, and e-commerce. If it's about innovation, or solutions or exciting, we would like it. Perhaps you maybe would find metronomic activity behaviours useful.
We get great posts on portals like youtube.com, theinnovationenterprise.com, irishtechnews.ie, smartbrief.com, blogs.gartner.com, research.cmft.nhs.uk, medgadget.com, pwc.blogs.com, sites.google.com, and forbes.com.
We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.
Innovation Company is an innovative north west-based management consultancy that aids companies to grow using adventure and dedication.
We work with consumer goods, healthcare, social enterprise, sporting, travel, and IT.