Blogs regarding Innovation: July 2017

This is a list of posts on innovation for the month of July.

Some include content from websites such as Campaign and The Verge.

Find out more about Innovation Company's consultancy on innovation and innovation leadership.

These posts contain stories concerning Republic Services, Cielo, Inditex, Expedia, Tencent Holdings and Unilever Indonesia.

Suggest your pieces on fresh thinkers to us by email. We favour links about recruitment, digital, and property. If it is innovating, or solutions or exciting, that's great.

We find inspiration from websites such as,,,,,,, and

Let's talk

We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.

Innovation Company is an innovating consulting firm that assists growing companies.

We operate in automotive, health, marketing, hospitality, and tech.

Innovation Company
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Manchester, Greater Manchester M32 0FP
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