Our curated list of pieces on innovation for the month of February.
Highlights are from websites like HBR and The Verge. Discover IC's innovation consultant and how to lead innovation.
Send articles about innovators by emailing. We'll accept posts about management, HR, branding, and consumers among others. If it's innovating and/or is creative or enabling, get in contact. Perhaps you maybe would find this page, business metronome behaviours suitable.
We gain inspiration thru websites like edweek.org, accenture.com, windows.com, smartbrief.com, hypebot.com, americanbanker.com, ptonline.com, sites.google.com, and researchgate.net.
We'd love to discuss how we can unlock the innovation in your business and work together. Call us on 0161 7060483.
We are a forward thinking consulting firm specialising in assisting growing businesses.